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How can we use the concept of basic neighboring to work toward building more resilience in our future?
Neighborhood Connections Program

Connected communities ARE more resilient ... but how many of your immediate neighbors can you name? Most of us don't even know the names of our 8 closest neighbors - not because we're antisocial, but because forming connections is hard work. We all have work, family, pets, hobbies - a lot of time commitments. And sometimes there is conflict in neighborhoods that makes friendly connections more difficult. Maybe you don't have any idea how to get people together, or even how to best communicate with your neighbors. Want to help build a more connected community but don't know how? Check out the City's FREE Neighborhood Connections program! Classes are offered on the basics of neighboring, conflict management, diversity in communication, communication tools, hosting neighborhood events, and more. And eligible participants will receive up to $300 in funding to host a neighborhood gathering or event. Check us out online: fcgov.com/nc!

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Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer