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About The Project
Resilience Begins at the Local Level.

Welcome to Resilient Larimer! 


The truth of the matter is, is that at some point we all face adversity in our lives, and we all experience change. How we prepare for, adapt to, and recover from that adversity or change is what determines our resilience. 


With Resilient Larimer, we believe that resilience truly begins at the most local, grassroots, level. The local residents of a community know their community the best, and subsequently, the needs of the community best. We also believe that the power of discussion and conversation can be underrated as an extremely valuable tool when making great things happen in our community. 


The goal of Resilient Larimer is to use the power of discussion and the sense of community to fuel grassroots level action toward building more resilient communities. You may personally not know everyone in your community, but that does not mean that the stranger down the block does not have the same interests or goals as you do. We seek to bring members of our community together to talk about resilience goals and to find ways to work together to make these goals happen. In addition to community-member discussion, this is also a base in which to access local organizations in your community to partake in these conversations and provide connections to resources, advice, and technical expertise to help you and your fellow community members advance toward achieving your resilience goals! 

Each community is comprised of 6 sectors: Community, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Health and Social, and Natural Resources. Each sector has a multitude of goals in which many community members are working toward achieving resilience goals. Simply choose the sector(s) that interest or inspire you and see how you can get involved, or share your ideas! 

In addition, we provide resources on how you can work toward resilience within yourself. Being an active part of your community is much more successful if you have developed personal resilence characteristics as an individual. 

Lastly, we want to say thank you for choosing to be a part of your community's more resilient future. Even the smallest action is meaningful. Share your knowledge, share your ideas, and spark a conversation with your neighbor! 




Resilient Larimer is a tool managed by the Larimer Connects Program out of the Larimer County Office of Emergency Management. Larimer Connects seeks build resilient communities between communities, agencies, and governments throughout the entirety of Larimer County through outreach, networking, education, and coursework.  These connections will lead to a stronger culture of community resilience, preparedness, connectedness, and cohesiveness. For more information, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@LarimerConnects) or by visiting https://www.larimer.org/emergency

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer